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电话: 86-0532-87766272
传真: 86-0532-87566272
姓名: Sara
Qingdao flying industrial *域名隐藏*

  Qingdao Flying Industrial Co., Ltd is specialized in producing and exporting photocopy paper and computer printing paper. In the year of 2002, we were established as a branch company of a famous paper mill Shandong Province, China. We are located in Qingdao City, which is a well-known sea port and foreign trade center. Thanks to the convenient and advanced sea, road and air transportation, our business has achieved fast and steady development. Qingdao Flying Industrial Co., Ltd owns two paper production lines and three lines of advanced and precise cutting and packing machines. We also have a warehouse to store the original paper and finished products. We can produce and expo...

主要产品/业务: copy paper, offset paper. art paper

Qingdao flying industrial *域名隐藏* / 山东 / NO.209,Yanqing Grade One Road,Jimo,Qingdao,Shandong,China (266000 ) / 电话:86-0532-87766272

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